Liberty Clinic
Liberty Clinic
"Where Patients Choose, and Diseases Lose!"
"Where Patients Choose, and Diseases Lose!"
"Where Patients Choose, and Diseases Lose!"


General medical:
Physical exams, including
     Lung function testing
     Tissue and urine testing for toxic elements
     Gynecologic exams, pap smears
     Blood tests: blood counts, sugar, etc.
Treatment of chronic illnesses
Allergy testing

Our office is equipped to handle most common medical and minor surgical problems.
Removal of skin cancers, warts, in-grown nails, moles, or other skin lesions
Repair of lacerations

Specialty Areas: In addition to the usual family practice services, Dr. Mundall has had specialized training in treating several chronic medical problems. These include:
     Arthritis, especially rheumatoid
     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
     Heavy metal toxicity
     Immune disorders
     Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
     Neurological Disorders
(Evaluation of these disorders frequently requires testing for immune system problems and nutritional defects.)

Obstetrical: Prenatal care and office delivery for uncomplicated pregnancies

House Calls: Yes, Dr. Mundall still makes house calls, preferably within a 30 mile radius of Connell or Spokane, WA. This service is usually best reserved for those unable to easily come to the clinic, as treatment options are more limited in this setting. There is a mileage charge for calls outside of Connell.

Hospital Care: Due to the distance to the area hospitals, as well as other complicating factors, Dr. Mundall finds that a hospital practice is incompatible with availability at the office. In the event hospitalization is necessary, he will be happy to contact the doctor of your choice, or an appropriate specialist, to provide for your hospital care.

Liberty Clinic Locations:
Jon R. Mundall, M.D.
P.O. Box F
111 North Columbia Ave
Connell, Washington 99326

Phone - (509) 234-7766
Fax - (509) 234-4320

  Jon R. Mundall, M.D.
507 1st St.
Cheney, WA 99004

Phone - (509) 235-9121
Fax - (509) 235-9124

Email -
Jon R. Mundall, M.D.